This rod grants its wielder the ability to make up to three spells they cast per day quickened as though using the Quicken Spell feat. This torch, while equipped, grants the owner's bow a limning effect. Sovereign Dragon's Great Wisdom provides +1 morale bonus on Knowledge (world), Knowledge (arcana), Lore (nature) and Lore (religion) checks. If they both already have the Back to Back feat, they gain an additional +2 bonus to AC. This belt of Constitution +4 also grants its wearer a +4 competence bonus to CMB on Bull Rush and Overrun combat maneuvers as well as immunity to Trip combat maneuver. Act 4, Lower City, Rotten Guttery (Chivarro fight loot); Upper City (Merciless Tyrant), Whenever the wearer of these bracers confirms a critical hit, the enemy must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 29) or suffer from a random condition from the following list and become immune to another random condition from the same list for 2 rounds. The owner of this quiver can use it to shoot 20 units of flaming ammunition per day. This +1 adamantine full plate armor grants its wearer immunity to trip attacks and bull rush combat maneuver. You gain a +4 bonus to saving throws against mind-affecting effects, emotions, confusion, fear, death, and compulsion effects, but a -2 penalty to saves against poison, elemental, paralyzing and movement impairing effects. These targets are excluded from the effects of your spell. The wearer of this robe gains immunity to critical hits, but suffers a -6 penalty to Constitution. These bracers grant the wearer a +1 luck bonus to AC and a +1 luck bonus to Reflex, Will, and Fortitude saving throw. Traveling Skeletal Salesman (magic) (Skeletal Salesman), Lost Chapel. If the wielder is a Lich, spell cast from this wand ignore any spell resistance the target might have and also require two successful consecutive saving throws instead of one. This rod grants its wielder the ability to make up to three spells they cast per day reach as though using the Selective Spell feat. If the enemy was under a movement-impairing condition, it becomes blinded instead. Drezen (Lost Chapel); Drezen temple (after capturing Drezen). Summons a pet cat. Whenever the wielder of this +5 unholy heavy pick charges at an enemy, the enemy suffers 2d6 bludgeoning damage and must pass a Reflex saving throw (DC 27) or suffer a -2 penalty on all saving throws for 1d3 rounds. Bonuses of the same type usually don't stack. Successful Reflex save (DC 30) halves the damage. A successful saving throw negates the blindness and halves the damage. Whenever this +4 bleed falchion confirms a critical hit on an already bleeding enemy whose Hit Points are below 80 - it instantly kills the enemy. Whenever the wielder of this +4 axiomatic quarterstaff expends points from their ki pool, they get a +2 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls for 2 rounds. You have to be a Lich though. It also grants 1 additional use of Wild Shape per day, if the wearer has this class ability. It also grants the wielder a +12 competence bonus on Knowledge (World) skill checks. Whenever an enemy hits the wielder of this +2 light shield with any touch attack (melee or ranged), that enemy suffers 2d6 force damage. Multiple applications of this effect do not stack, but extend the effect's duration. This +5 breastplate is made of crystal and can be worn by a druid. Three times per day you can curse the enemy. Thee times per day, the wearer of this mask can take a quick action to gain energy resistance 20 for 3 rounds against one of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. (Fallen Time Guardian loot). Whenever this +3 composite shortbow land a hit on an enemy, the enemy suffers an additional 1d12 piercing damage. This +4 unholy shortspear deals additional 2d6 piercing damage against Large or bigger creatures. This amulet in a form of a snake grants the wearer +2 DC on poison spells, all ray spells deal additional (1d6 + 5 points of acid damage. Like most bonuses, an armor bonus does not stack with armor bonuses from different sources, such as bonuses from wearing armor or from Mage Armor spell. The owner of this quiver can use it to shoot 20 units of ammunition. Notes The doubled critical threat range works as Keen trait . You gain a +2 bonus to all Knowledge and Lore skill checks for 1 hour. This headband grants its wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma and Wisdom. Whenever the wearer of this helm receives healing, she also gains 5 temporary Hit Points for 1 round. If it lands a hit on an enemy wielding a weapon, the enemy should pass the same saving throw but suffer -2 penalty to attack for one round. This +3 unholy falcata was corrupted by demons. When such creatures attack the wearer with magic, for the next rounds, the wearer gains a +2 profane bonus to attack and damage rolls, and caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. All enemies within a 30 feet range have to pass a Will saving throw (DC 23) or suffer 3d6 sonic damage for 1d4 rounds. A spell with a duration of concentration, instantaneous, or permanent is not affected by this feat. Whenever the wearer of this +5 evil outsider bane rapier lands a first hit against a new enemy, the enemy must pass a Will saving throw (DC 31) or become paralyzed for 2 rounds. This shortspear deals 1d4 damage instead of 1d6. For 5 rounds all your melee attacks deal double damage, but each round you take 2d8 fire damage. This book grants a +1 morale bonus to AC against dragons. Act 5, Ineluctable Prison (Father of Worms). This robe grants its wearer a +10 competence bonus on Knowledge (Arcana) checks. Only one such demon can be present on the battlefield. Whenever the wielder of this +4 warhammer successfully hits an enemy with a charge attack, the enemy must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 33) or be entrapped in stone until the end of the fight. This +5 mithral chainmail grants its wearer +7 insight bonus on Persuasion skill checks made to intimidate. This headband grants its wearer +2 enhancement bonuses to Wisdom and Charisma ability scores. Act 3, Random Encounter (Side with Kaylessa throughout her quest). Whenever the wielder of this +1 cold iron heavy flail confirms a critical hit with it, the target suffers a -1 penalty on attack rolls for 1 round. These are books that when read give the main character a permanent bonus. Empower Spell: All variable, numeric effects of an empowered spell are increased by half including bonuses to those rolls. These penalties do not stack with themselves. Whenever a creature hits them with a melee attack, that creature suffers 1d6 piercing damage. This belt grants its wearer +6 enhancement bonuses to Strength and Constitution. If a creature fails this second saving throw, it suffers the full effects of the spell, as if it had failed its first saving throw. Imprisoned since the Age of Creation, the god Rovagug (pronounced ROH-vah-gug) [1] seeks only to destroy creation and the other gods. Believed to be imprisoned in a state of torpor somewhere deep within Golarion, his increasingly restless stirrings are taken by many to be the cause of volcanic activity and earthquakes. [2] [3] Positive energy and cure spells hurt it, like it was undead. Act 3, Ivory sanctum, second solution to the door puzzle to Jerribeth's room. It also grants a +4 bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting conditions. Act 5, Traveling Skeletal Salesman (protection). Finally, whenever the wearer rolls for initiative, they roll twice and take the better result. It also dispels all magic effects giving you penalty to ability scores, neutralizes all diseases and poisons, removes fatigue and exhaustion, as well as insanity, confusion and other mind-affecting effects. This headband grants its wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to Wisdom. This headband grants its wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence. This amulet grants its wearer an 30 feet aura that can be activated, granting all alies a +1 bonus to AC and allowing them to ignore any damage reduction on attacks against demons. Greater rods can be used with spells of 9th level or lower. Option 1 +2, wielder does +1 bonus damage per dice rolledfor spells with cold descriptor. These gloves grant the wearer a +4 bonus to ranged touch attack rolls and a +5 competence bonus on Use Magic Device skill checks. Maddening Gaze: As a swift action, you can look in a certain direction. The affected enemy emanates a 15-foot aura of frost for the same duration. Whenever the wielder of this +3 speed heavy flail damages an opponent with this weapon, its enhancement bonus increases by +1 when making attacks against that opponent (to a maximum total enhancement bonus of +8). Once per day the owner of this silver mirror can spend a standard action to look into it and gain a +4 bonus to Charisma ability score for 1 hour. Inevitable Excess DLC, Threshold, Blacksmith. A raised creature has a number of hit points equal to its current HD. This +4 undead bane light crossbow allows its wielder to cast healing spells as though they had the Reach Spell feat. This +2 tower shield grants its wielder negative energy resistance 10 and a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. Act 3, Temple of the Good Hunt (Trickery 28). This weapon is a +1 greater frost furious greatsword. This power makes the weapon good-aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. This +2 leather armor grants its wearer DR 2/melee. A spell with a duration of concentration, instantaneous, or permanent is not affected by this feat. The structure of the ammunition allows shooting twice as often. This +5 half-plate grants its wearer spell resistance 19. The owner of this unholy symbol can, once per day, as a quick action, cast the dominate person spell. This +5 leather armor grants its wearer resistance to electricity 30. These knee pads let their wearer deal additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage on critical hits made with natural weapons. You cannot equip them. This rod grants its wielder the ability to make up to six spells they cast per day bolstered, as though using the Bolster Spell feat. This is a great guide. Whenever they cast a slow or haste spell, it is quickened, as though using the Quicken Spell feat. When you are hit by an enemy's attack of opportunity, the enemy must pass a Reflex saving throw (DC 15) or suffer 2d6 acid damage. Whenever the wearer of this +5 leather barding suffers 30 or more damage in a single hit, he gets the effect of winds of vengeance spell for 1 minute. While under this effect, the creature suffers 2d6 positive energy damage for 2 rounds. It also magnifies the wearer's momentum granting her a +2 bonus on the bull rush and overrun maneuvers. Once per day you can charge both weapons in your hands with this flame for 10 minutes. These knee pads allow their wearer to deal additional 2d6 unholy damage on hit on attacks with natural weapons. Whenever this +1 cold iron longsword is used to attack a demon, it gains a +2 enhancement bonus to the attack roll and deals extra 1d10 of slashing damage on hit. Act 4, Upper City, Empty house in upper left. This +2 chainmail grants the wearer a +2 sacred bonus to Fortitude saving throws. Scroll of Angelic Knowledge - You gain a +2 bonus to all Knowledge and Lore skill checks for 1 hour. Zeal grants the wearer the effect of the seamantle spell. Unholy Symbol of Rovagug - Handaxe/Battle Axe/Great Axe Handaxe/Battle Axe/Great Axe (same effects across all three weapons) Option 1 - +2, I couldnt find the source for this relic, if you know then please let me know. Arueshalae: Let's make our priests the new quartermasters Woljif: We should make random store clerks from the This robe grants its wearer a +1 dodge bonus to AC, and a +2 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls with unarmed attacks. The owner of this quiver can use it to shoot 20 units of sonic speed ammunition per day. Act 5, Bear's Maw Shrine (Love Beyond Death DLC). This belt of Constitution +6 grants its wearer a +2 bonus on Fortitude saving throws and a +1 insight bonus to AC against Evil creatures and effects. The wearer of this red shirt glows with red. Whenever the wearer of this shirt kills an enemy with a fire spell, they gain immunity to ability score damage and their mental abilities scores are increased by +6 for 3 rounds. The blade of this +5 vorpal unholy longsword bears the words etched in dark bile: "My treasury is my prison". It also imbues the wearer with the powers of the Spawn of Rovagug allowing to use the Corruption of the Rough Beast ability three times per day. When it hits Small or lesser creature with 100 or less Hit Points, the enemy must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 26) or be instantly killed. This +1 flaming quarterstaff grants the wielder an ability to cast fireball spell 3 times per day as 8th level wizard. The spell no longer applies precision damage. This book grants a +1 competence bonus on saving throws against swarms. Bugged. The wearer can recharge this ring by consuming spells for which the sum of their levels must be equivalent to at least 9. This amulet makes the wearer's voice stronger and allows it to maintain its power for a longer periods of time. Bonuses of the same type usually don't stack. This diadem increases the damage dealt by the kineticist's simple energy blasts by 2d6 points and by kineticist simple physical blasts by 2d6+2. Whenever the wielder uses this wand, one of the following spells is cast: daze, elemental assessor, feeblemind, hideous laughter, nature's exile, rainbow pattern, scintillating pattern, touch of gracelessness, waves of ecstasy, or weird. However, after this the ally dies again. Effect can be applied once per creature. After this ability has been activated, it can't be activated again for 1d4 rounds. It also makes it impossible to identify the wearer's alignment. Looking into it. Lann: We should promote some veterans instead. This wand allows its wielder to cast finger of death spell as a 17th level wizard. This potion restores all your HP, ability damage and ability drain. This +1 club has nails that deal additional 1d3 piercing damage per hit. These effects persist for 1 hour, during which demons take a -4 penalty on saving throws against the drinker's spells and spell-like abilities of the shadow subschool. Whenever this holy dwarven urgrosh lands a hit but doesn't deal any physical damage, the next hit deals force damage instead of the normal piercing or slashing weapon damage. Defender's Heart (Vissaliy Rathimus), Shield Maze (Corrupted Mongrel Brute), Reliable Redoubt. LESSER Reach Metamagic Rod should be at Blackwing Library. When you have 500 champions and in round 1 65 are nuked, you have 435 left in round 2, when the teleporting type V demoness kills another 112, leaving you with 323. At 7th level the owner can summon a single Lillend Azata, at 9th level it summons one Lillend Azata and two Advanced Bralani Azatas, and at 11th level it summons one Lillend Azata, two Advanced Bralani Azatas, and a Ghaele Azata. Whenever the wielder of this +5 cruel bleed dagger lands a first hit against a new enemy, that enemy must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 30) or become vulnerable to Piercing damage for 2 rounds. If these boots are worn together with the Owl's Cowl, the enhancement bonus increases to +6, and the wearer additionally gains a +5 bonus on all initiative rolls. If the wearer is a Tiefling, the bonus increases to +3. This weapon is a +5 adamantine glaive. Whenever this +3 thundering dwarven waraxe is wielded by a dwarf, it grants the wielder a +2 inherent bonus to AC and a +1 inherent bonus on attack rolls. The Fate of the Unholy Symbol of Rovagug is a Decree in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Act 3 - First Retriever - Padded Armor/Shirt, Act 3 - Unholy Symbol of Rovagug - Handaxe/Battle Axe/Great Axe, Act 3 - Chillboar's Hide and Tusks - Shortspear/Spiked Light Shield, Act 3 - Phylactery of Stevanius - Ring/Scythe, Act 3 - Crest of the Fallen Knight - Belt/Chainmail/Shortsword, Act 3 - Faultless Daybreak - Heavy Flail/Light Shield/Scalemail, Act 3 - Stone of Ghostly Pathways - Circlet/Ring/Sai, Act 3 - Wicked Dope - Banded Armor/Quarterstaff, Act 3 - Branch of the Last Ash (Sakoris Map) - Bardiche/Heavy Pick, Act 3 - Attractive Impulse - Gloves/Light Crossbow/Metamagic Rod, Act 5 - Mask of the Facestealer - Belt/Mask, Act 5 - Burning Brand - Bardiche/Sling Staff/Trident, Act 5 - Remains of the Colourless One - Arrows/Breast Plate/Spectacles, Act 5 - Voice of the Cursed Bard - Lyre/Amulet. This weapon is a +2 evil outsider bane fauchard. It also stuns flying enemies for 1 round on a critical hit. This +4 breastplate grants its wearer DR 2/-. This belt grants its wearer +6 enhancement bonuses to Strength and Dexterity. WebThe earliest recorded appearance of a spawn of Rovagug, in ancient Ninshabur, was of Festering Ulunat, the Unholy First, whose immortal carapace towers over Osirions If the wearer is on the Lich Mythic Path, the damage type changes to unholy. Successful Reflex saving throw (DC 15) halves the damage. This ring of protection +4 grants its wearer the ability to get a +6 dodge bonus to AC against ranged attacks for 5 rounds once per day. Whenever the wearer casts a spell with cold descriptor, its saving throw DC is increased by 2. Act 4, Upper City (Cambion Defiler in Vellexia fight). This +3 chainmail can be activated once per day to grant all allies in a 30 feet radius a +1 insight bonus to Dexterity and to attack rolls against demons for 10 rounds. Act 4 Lower City rooftop fight near Arena. This Headband of Mental Perfection +4 grants its wearer the ability to summon two Labyrinth Demodand Destroyers to fight on their side for 2 minutes twice per day. WebUnholy Symbol of Rovagug - Handaxe/Battle Axe/Great Axe. If the wearer has the Weapon Training ability and is wielding a weapon it gives a bonus to, that bonus increases by +2. Act 3, Midnight Fane (Pass check with Gresilla or kill Gresilla); Act 4, Bad Tavern (Lower City), kill Mielarah. Option 3 +3, adamantite, your mount gets a +3 bonus on all saving throws and a +3 bonus to CMD. Bonuses of the same type usually don't stack. Capital Advisor: Let's get new logistics officers from the homeland! This robe grants the wearer a +1 bonus to all saving throws against fear effects. This rod grants its wielder the ability to make up to three spells they cast per day extended as though using the Persistent Spell feat. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected, nor are spells without random variables. Whenever the wearer of these gloves lands a melee touch attack, the enemy must pass a Will saving throw (DC 20) or his heart and mind is consumed with agonizing lust, any critical hit against affected enemy drives him even crazier, paralyzing for one round. This +5 leather armor grants its wearer a +15 competence bonus on Trickery skill checks. Regular rods can be used with spells of 6th level or lower. As a free action, you can lose HP equal to half your level to grant target creature a +2 bonus to attack rolls, and transform their damage type into force, for 1 round. The Unholy Book and Book It also enables the wielder to use greater dispel magic (once per round as a standard action) at the class level of the wielder. Lesser rods can be used with spells of 3rd level or lower. Whenever an ally in a 30 feet radius is knocked unconscious or dead, they get two extra attacks per round for two rounds. They also gain a +2 circumstance bonus on attack rolls against this target. In addition, whenever the wearer of these gloves confirms a critical hit, the enemy suffers a -2 penalty on saving throws against mind-affecting conditions for 2 rounds. Maximize Spell: All variable, numeric effects of a spell modified by this feat are maximized. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. This amulet grants its wearer a +1 natural armor enhancement bonus to Armor Class. For one minute you are protected from death. This +1 shield was specifically designed to perform a shield bash. Secondly, if the wearer is on a Mythic Path, they gain +5 additional daily uses of their primary ability (demonic rage for the Demon, Hell's decree for the Devil, etc.). This cloak of resistance +4 grants the wearer +2 insight bonus to AC against flying creatures and summoned creatures. The wear also gains a +1 insight bonus to attack rolls against outsiders. In addition, they grant a +10 competence bonus on Use Magic Device skill checks. If the wearer is of lawful alignment, it grants a +2 bonus on attack rolls against chaotic enemies. Whenever the wearer of this +5 banded armor is attacked in melee while being prone, stunned or staggered, the attacker must pass a Reflex saving throw (DC 30) or suffer from the same condition for 2 rounds. Each time this +3 speed sai lands a hit on a summoned creature, it deals additional 12 piercing damage. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected, nor are spells without random variables. The amulet also increases the DC of all spells with sonic descriptor you cast by 2. Whenever the wearer of this ring becomes a target of an attack of opportunity, the attacker suffers 1d8 force damage. Only the area dispel is possible, not the targeted dispel or counterspell versions of greater dispel magic. All critical hits against this creature deal additional 3d6 piercing damage. It might be quite an effort though, so in the meantime, if anyone wants to help remove or move them, that'd be great. Encouraging Spell: Any morale bonus granted by an encouraging spell is increased by 1. Act 3, DLC3, Island 12. This effect stacks up to 3 times and persists for 1d4 rounds. Whenever the wearer of this +4 banded armor is hit, the wearer gets a fast healing 1 (stacks up to 10) until the end of the combat. The spell no longer applies precision damage. Whenever this +3 keen throwing axe lands a hit, all its further attacks until the end of the round deal 1 additional force damage. Inevitable Excess DLC, Threshold, Blacksmith; Sarzaksys (Chapter 4) - Fleshmarket. This +4 spiked light shield provokes a shield bash dealing 2d6 piercing damage to the attacker whenever its wielder is critically hit. Whenever this +1 sickle lands a hit on an enemy, the target must pass a Reflex saving throw (DC11) or become staggered for 1 round. This cloak grants its wearer a +5 competence bonus on Trickery checks and the ability to cast expeditious retreat three times per day as a 1st level wizard. This cloak grants its wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution and the ability to cast summon monster V spell once per day for 9 rounds. Act 3, DLC3, Island 5. It also grants a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting and compulsion effects. Maximize Spell: All variable, numeric effects of a spell modified by this feat are maximized. Kingmaker; The Treasure of the Midnight Isles. Whenever the wearer is attacked, the enemy has to pass a Reflex saving throw (DC 20) or suffer -10 penalty on damage rolls for 1 round. Whenever the wearer of this hat uses any song, this song also grants fast healing 1 at level 1, fast healing 2 at level 5 and increasing by 1 point every 4 levels thereafter. Whenever someone dies within a 10 feet radius from the wearer of this amulet of natural armor +3, the wearer gets the effect of the haste spell for 2d3 rounds. Whenever the wearer of this cloak of resistance +5 lands a killing blow, all enemies in a 15 feet radius must pass a Will saving throw (DC 32) or become blinded for 4 rounds. The belt grants its wearer a +6 enhancement bonuses to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution ability scores. The effects of multiple applications of this ability do not stack. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected, nor are spells without random variables. Stainless Skin: The primary subject of stainless skin gains a +4 natural armor bonus to AC and +4 bonus to AC against touch attacks. This ammunition deals additional 1d6+5 piercing damage and on a confirmed critical hit transforms the enemy into a pony for 1 round. If the wearer of this headband has the ability Channel Positive Energy, it increases the amount of damage this ability does to undead creatures or heals to living creatures by +4d6. This rod grants its wielder the ability to make up to six spells they cast per day quickened as though using the Quicken Spell feat. Whenever this +1 heavy pick confirms a critical hit on an enemy, the enemy becomes fatigued for 1d3 rounds. These bracers grant their wearer an armor bonus of +4, just as though they were wearing armor. This Headband of Perfection +8 allows its wearer to add their Charisma bonus to all damage dealt by ranged weapons. This is a +3 radiant heavy flail. Finnean; it turns out it's a bit buggy and also that I made a mistake. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected, nor are spells without random variables. Act 4, Upper City, Mage's Tower (Zealous Follower of Baphomet fight). This cloth grants the wearer a +10 competence bonus to Trickery and a +10 competence bonus to Athletics skill checks, as well as +2 bonus to attack rolls for attacks of opportunity. Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC (on one of the islands), Whenever this +3 adamantine frost handaxe confirms a critical hit, it casts cone of cold spell as 11th level Wizard. Once per day the wielder can activate one of five enhancements for a number of rounds equal to half the wielder's level. A bane ammunition excels against certain foes. As a free action, you can lose HP equal to half your level to grant target creature a +2 bonus to attack rolls, and transform their damage type into force, for 1 round. Whenever the wielder of this +4 buckler becomes a target of a spell that deals elemental damage (even if such effect was prevented by spell or elemental resistance), he gains immunity to the corresponding element for 1 round. This effect can only occur once per target. Players can only smelt and string the symbol after completing Observatory If the initial saving throw is failed, the creature can make new saving throws each round to stop the effect. There is an engraving on the iron handle: "I am the Weapon. For 5 rounds you gain 25 temporary hit points, but each of these rounds you receive 1d8 damage. To cast a spell, the wearer still needs to have a spell slot of the required level. If an enemy gets within a 5 feet radius from the wearer, they must pass a Will saving throw (DC 21) to push the enemy 5 feet away, or become frightened for one round. 358, P.C 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman. Whenever you cast an ear piercing scream spell, the damage it deals is no longer limited to 5d6. The book you found reveals only part of its secrets, at least at this moment. This robe grants is wearer a +3 bonus on saving throws against mind affecting spells. This cloak of resistance +5 grants its wearer a 60-feet aura which makes all affected enemies to pass a Will saving throw (DC 33) or become frightened for 1 minute. This shirt grants the wearer a +5 competence bonus to Athletics skill checks and fire resistance 30. Whenever the wielder of this +3 light crossbow lands the first hit in a round against an enemy, that enemy's consciousness and love to all life awaken. If this cloak is worn by a duelist, she gets a +4 competence bonus to attack rolls while parrying. Whenever the wearer of this amulet lands a killing blow, they gain DR 10/bludgeoning for 3 rounds. After that you receive 10d10 negative energy damage (a successful DC 35 Fortitude saving throw halves the damage). Each time the wielder confirms a critical hit, an enemy is affected with a Burst with Light effect. This +3 holy longsword counts neutral enemies as evil. For 1 hour, the user gains a +2 alchemical bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects and fatigue. All enemies within a 10 feet range must pass a Reflex saving throw (DC 23) or suffer 1d6 holy damage for 1d4 rounds. This shortbow deals 1d4 damage instead of 1d6. This weapon also has an 18-20 critical threat range. On a success all allies in a 15 feet area are healed for the amount of Hit Points equal to the number of ranks the wielder has in Lore (Religion). Extend Spell: An extended spell lasts twice as long as normal. It also grants one additional attack of opportunity per round. To cast a spell, the wearer still needs to have a spell slot of the required level. This cloak grants its wearer cold resistance 10 and the ability to cast deep slumber spell one per day as a 5th level wizard. This book allows you to summon a demon or angel once per day. This +1 dwarven urgrosh grants its wielder a +1 bonus on attack rolls against magical beasts.