It includes a graphical timeline of the events and a full colour Birth Chart and it's available Immediately online. This is likely to be a pleasant period in your life with respect to social activity and meeting people. Please enter your name (can be first name only, if desired), your birth date (Month, Day, Year), your birth time (example: 7:36 PM do not adjust for time zones! Astrology and the position of the planets at the time you were born to reveal so much about your character and destiny. During this transit you enjoy socializing and indulging yourself. Also, your interest in the arts and music increases. A lack of drive or self-motivation is possible now. Conclusive endings and new beginnings to chapters in life. This is the positive use of power transit. Also knowing the exact period in which the transit will be influential is very useful to have an general insight of the current year. There are rewards for sacrifice, patience and perseverance. There can be added force and power in your communications. Unless other factors such as Saturn transits occurring now are affecting your chart, this should prove to be quite a good period for you. May 24, 2014 May 26, 2014, strongest around May 25, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Square your Natal Ascendant, May 24, 2014 May 26, 2014, strongest around May 25, 2014, Transiting Venus is Sextile your Natal Mars. You may feel emotionally restrained now and there can be difficulties in relationships with people you care about. July 16, 2014 July 18, 2014, strongest around July 17, 2014, Transiting Sun is Square your Natal Sun. Before Dec 15 2013 February 3, 2014, strongest around January 1, 2014, Progressed Moon is Trine Progressed Mars. You have strong views and opinions, which may contrast with others causing the likelihood of arguments or lively debates. October 26, 2014 October 28, 2014, strongest around October 27, 2014, Transiting Venus is Trine your Natal Jupiter, October 26, 2014 October 28, 2014, strongest around October 27, 2014, Transiting Sun is Trine your Natal Jupiter. At an inner level, you are likely to feel discontented, for no apparent reason, and your self-confidence may be temporarily dented. You may have to make an effort to respond to the needs of others during this period, even if you dont feel like it. Further, an influence may begin before the time frame of the report or end beyond it. We have decided to separate the store from the main site as per the request of many customers! This is one of the most positive contacts Jupiter will make on its journey around your horoscope. On the personal front, you may form a connection with someone special. Little annoyances could spoil what can be an otherwise pleasant period, if youre not careful. Synastry/Relationships During this period your reputation and status in life gets a boost. Plans may have to be altered. You have the capability to appreciate new ideas and ways of looking at things. You are receptive to the finer things in life at the moment. Spontaneous expressions of affection just dont happen now. July 16, 2014 July 20, 2014, strongest around July 18, 2014, Transiting Mars is Trine your Natal Midheaven, July 16, 2014 July 18, 2014, strongest around July 17, 2014, Transiting Sun is Opposition your Natal Saturn. Travel may feature in your life now. Romantically, you may be inclined to come on too strongly and aggressively. July 25, 2014 July 26, 2014, strongest around July 26, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Sextile Progressed Sun, July 26, 2014 July 27, 2014, strongest around July 26, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Conjunct Progressed Midheaven, July 26, 2014 July 27, 2014, strongest around July 26, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Trine Progressed Moon, July 28, 2014 July 30, 2014, strongest around July 29, 2014, Transiting Sun is Trine Progressed Venus, July 28, 2014 July 29, 2014, strongest around July 29, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Opposition your Natal Saturn. Before Dec 15 2013 December 16, 2013, Transiting Pluto is Sextile your Natal Venus. Smugness or arrogance could mar this period. Anticipate a period of fluctuating energy levels, with a tendency towards feeling washed out or physically depleted. Unpredictability rules this period. Do not send emails without your information below. Unconventional behavior is the norm at the moment and you could find yourself in contact with unusual people. However, if you are open to the idea of having new experiences, this can be an exciting, stimulating and progressive period for you. Before Dec 15 2013 December 31, 2013, strongest around December 20, 2013, Transiting Saturn is Trine Progressed Midheaven. Before Dec 15 2013 February 3, 2014, strongest around January 1, 2014, Progressed Moon is Trine Progressed Mars. You need to take care when traveling and around machinery or volatile materials. This is due to the cyclical and forward and backward motion of the planets activating points on your chart more than once in the period under review. Astrolabe's Professional Forecaster: Yearly Transits and Progressions Combines the Yearly Transits with one year of progressions into a sinlge report. Also, should this transit coincide with a medical concern, you could benefit from obtaining a second opinion. Take particular care with sure bets and get-rich-quick schemes, because there is a very real danger now that your ability to make financial judgments is seriously impaired. June 8, 2014 August 30, 2014, strongest around June 29, 2014 and August 10, 2014, Transiting Saturn is Conjunct your Natal Pluto. December 17, 2014 December 19, 2014, strongest around December 18, 2014, Transiting Venus is Sextile your Natal Venus, December 17, 2014 December 19, 2014, strongest around December 18, 2014, Transiting Sun is Square your Natal Ascendant, December 18, 2014 Beyond Dec 31 2014, Transiting Sun is passing through your 4th House, December 19, 2014 December 20, 2014, strongest around December 19, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Opposition your Natal Jupiter, December 20, 2014 December 23, 2014, strongest around December 21, 2014, Transiting Mars is Conjunct your Natal Moons North Node, December 20, 2014 December 21, 2014, strongest around December 21, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Square Progressed Venus, December 21, 2014 December 22, 2014, strongest around December 22, 2014, Transiting Venus is Sextile Progressed Mars, December 21, 2014 December 22, 2014, strongest around December 22, 2014, Transiting Venus is Conjunct your Natal Neptune. In the case of the Time Line report, the software only allows the start date to be the first of any given month, for example, May 1st, 2017. Whereas Aries is more . January 8, 2014 January 9, 2014, strongest around January 8, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Square your Natal Sun. During this transit you wont take kindly to having your independence and freedom challenged. You feel re-centered and integrated now; however you run the risk of being too self-contained if thats possible. The above report is unique in that it includes transits to natal planets and points AND transits to progressed planets and points. Allow the expression of your originality. Emotional intensity is obvious and you can become fixated on achieving personal desires. And they will, providing your intentions are for the common good. Some trends will be more apparent than others, while others may be more subtle. The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today: Mercury square Ascendant, , exact at 06:06. activity period mid-April 2023 until end of May 2023. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. With this report, you get an overall picture of the year 2022 with a summary of major life . Vocational successes are likely now. Annual Varshphal-Yearly Transit Report. Disputes between family members are also possible. Emotional upsets are possible. Power struggles are possible within the domestic environment. November 10, 2014 November 12, 2014, strongest around November 11, 2014, Transiting Sun is Opposition Progressed Sun, November 10, 2014 November 27, 2014, strongest around November 19, 2014, Transiting Saturn is Square your Natal Mars. These free astrology reports will cover your different astrological requirements to plan your life as per planets positions in your birth chart and their impact on your life. will tell you the positioning of ruling planet and their positive and negative effect on you. A passionate nature. AstrologyReports During this period you can expect relations with your family to be good, or to improve if improvement is needed. There can also be financial or travel problems. December 16, 2013 December 18, 2013, strongest around December 17, 2013, Transiting Sun is Opposition your Natal Midheaven. Welcome to Your Free Astrology Natal Report The following report is designed to serve as a guide to discovering your true self. You may experience an increase in your confidence and make some bold financial moves. Note that there are5 detailsrequired for this report: Your name (it can be a first name only, if desired the name does not affect the results), birth date (birth month, day and year), birth time, birth place, and current place of residence. Equally, the words or ideas of others can influence you more than usual. Welcome to your Forecast Report This report shows the astrological trends influencing your life over a period ranging from days to months or years, depending on the time frame used. 2023 Year of Transits Report is$4.00 USfor a limited time and is delivered by email via a PDF attachment, typically within 24 hours of order placement and full required details. Before Dec 15 2013 December 25, 2013, Transiting Pluto is Trine Progressed Mercury. Benefits may come to you from an overseas connection. There is a danger of accidents or injuries during this period. There can be a risk of misunderstandings caused by moodiness or irritability. Be prepared to slide the sequence of trends either forwards or backwards in time if necessary. You are well-aspected for commercial activity, negotiation and settling contracts, providing the necessary groundwork has been done properly. Use My Astro to save your birth data A courteous and pleasant manner can win friends and influence people. A courteous and pleasant manner can win friends and influence people. Business decisions and short distance travel are well-aspected. Taurus's horoscope for 2023 says that you need to work on your mental strength and . If you meet someone at this time, his or her influence could stay with you for the whole of your life. Your thinking is more likely than not to be on love and romance, or play. This can be a good time to define or re-define responsibilities and boundary lines in important personal relationships. You are ready and willing to make daring moves or decisions. November 2, 2014 November 4, 2014, strongest around November 3, 2014, Transiting Venus is Square your Natal Moons North Node, November 3, 2014 November 5, 2014, strongest around November 4, 2014, Transiting Mars is Square Progressed Venus, November 3, 2014 November 4, 2014, strongest around November 4, 2014, Transiting Venus is Trine Progressed Mars, November 3, 2014 November 5, 2014, strongest around November 4, 2014, Transiting Venus is Sextile your Natal Neptune, November 3, 2014 November 5, 2014, strongest around November 4, 2014, Transiting Venus is Opposition your Natal Mercury, November 4, 2014 November 5, 2014, strongest around November 5, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Square your Natal Saturn, November 4, 2014 November 6, 2014, strongest around November 5, 2014, Transiting Sun is Square your Natal Moons North Node, November 4, 2014 November 6, 2014, strongest around November 5, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Opposition your Natal Sun, November 5, 2014 November 6, 2014, strongest around November 5, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Sextile your Natal Moon, November 5, 2014 November 6, 2014, strongest around November 5, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Trine your Natal Mars, November 5, 2014 November 6, 2014, strongest around November 6, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Trine your Natal Midheaven, November 5, 2014 November 7, 2014, strongest around November 6, 2014, Transiting Venus is Conjunct your Natal Pluto.