Two Public relations Passes for the Taranaki Herald. Workers and activists across Asia are marking May Day with protests calling for higher salaries and better . French union members were joined by labor activists from other countries, environmental activists and other groups fighting for economic justice, or just expressing anger at Macron and what is seen as his out-of-touch, pro-business leadership. While May Day is marked around the world on May 1 as a celebration of labor rights, this year's rallies tapped into broader frustrations. Folder 6. He claimed he had 'just followed his friends' when committing the crimes. Be the first to comment on this object record. "It's only oriented to benefit employers, not workers.". 'The history of a colonial newspaper. The very basic tenets of Islam lie in the search for, and acquisition of, knowledge, he said, with knowledge referring both to new, scientific knowledge, and the knowledge contained in the Quran. In fact this year, Ibrahim was marking Ramadan as I, as a Christian, was marking Lent.. In France, unions plan massive demonstrations to protest President Emmanuel Macron's recent move to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. August 24 1965. Protests in Germany kicked off with a "Take Back the Night" rally organized by feminist and queer groups on the eve of May Day to protest against violence directed at women and LGBTQ+ people. Increase your te reo Mori vocabulary by learning and using a new Mori word each week. The National Newspaper Collection forms part of the Alexander Turnbull Library collections. Pamphlet. FENZ responded to a house and car fire in Spotswood early Sunday morning. Explore our Stories on Te Rangi Aoao Nunui - the Taranaki Knowledge Gateway. "We were told 25 years ago that papers won't last another 10 years and yet they're still going. 1960, Taranaki Herald newspaper supplement. Springboks. Notice to Native Owners re surrender of lease and appointment of Arbitrator. Ninoy was gunned down and his death swept away the Marcos dictatorship. But opposition lawmakers and union leaders said the measures do nothing to increase salaries or to combat the widespread practice of hiring workers on temporary contracts. He said while people sometimes describe Eid-al-Fitr as being a time to celebrate the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting, it was in fact a way to continue building on the lessons and experience of Ramadan. Taranaki Central Press. Mari Yamaguchi and Yuri Kageyama in Tokyo; Niniek Karmini in Jakarta, Indonesia; Kanis Leung in Hong Kong; Suzan Fraser in Ankara, Turkey; Riazat Butt in Islamabad; Abby Sewell in Beirut; Jennifer O'Mahoney in Madrid; Nicolae Dumitrache in Kyiv; Krishan Francis in Colombo, Sri Lanka; Frances D'Emilio in Rome; Alex Turnbull and Jeffrey Schaeffer in Paris, contributed to this report. 9 December 1954, Notes to the Editor. Reply from the Editor A. New Zealand herald (Newspaper); Taranaki herald (Newspaper); Waikato Times (Newspaper) Reference: MSI-Papers-12482-5. The protesters demanded the government halt moves to privatize state-owned and semi-government businesses. The 33-year-old was arrested after a lengthy impasse with police. In Peshawar, in the country's restive northwest, labor organizations and trade unions held indoor events to demand better workers' rights amid high inflation. 27 October 1968, Copy and photographic prints for an article about two Auckland men who captured images of the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II. They criticized Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's plan to double the defense budget, and said the money should be spent on welfare, social security and improving people's daily lives. 1852-1927, Taranaki Herald newspaper supplement. Looking for one of the first European settlers coming to New Plymouth? "If you wanted to go out in the one car the company had at that stage, you had to walk right downstairs, because the car was housed at the bottom of the premises at the bottom of Currie Lane.". Appointment of Umpire. Signed R.C. Associated Press/. By this time both newspapers had mergedunder the umbrella of Taranaki Newspapers Limited (TNL). Title No 240409 Creator Bailey, Lewis T. Language English eng en . Paris police detained 30 people, and clashes were reported in Lyon and Nantes. Manuscript. Folder 3. Across France, thousands marched in what unions hope are the country's biggest May Day demonstrations in years, mobilized against President Emmanuel Macron's recent move to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. y and Promptnera iPwa-iiri(s s kst brands pan irmaara XXX and XXXX Bee i cm Draught b5?9h TARANAKI HOTEL Opposite tlioTown Hall BROUQUAM-Sr plyuoutb (Rose to tho K&ihray Station Ghai Tate - Fropnetat Wren akh Bfibitb of thi Ben BuASSa riways in Stock H ot Cold and Bhousr Bath GOOD STABLING FO MORSES tw nx AH OHKKABY XTEBY JAY ROa If V Z o'auxK INGLEWOOD HOTEL W WALKER Atonimn THE proprietor deeiras to inform hie nunierona Friend end the Travelling Public that he hoe taken over the above Hotel and trusts by thwdmC to the comfoita and conveniance of patrons to merit a fair share of their support BEERS AND WINES OF THE BEsT Whiskies Usher's Special Reserve and Jamieson and Son'a "Three Star" A first-class Sahplb Rook on the promt fitted with every convenience BILLIARD ROOM GOOD STABLING Baggiee end Hones for Hire at shortest notice Passengers have time for Refreshments between arrival end departure of all train Tebhb Modkbatjs Porter attends the arrival of ell bains at Station 211r Oysters Oysters AFRESH SUPPLY by every boat from Auckland Bottles 1 Gd E DINGLE Devon street 0Y8TJ33S OY8TjZ3 -TARANAKI OYSTER SALOON Bioughaia-etroot next door to Ur 3 Cock's Grocer Bottlea la 6d JAMES HART dex 722m TaRATA 7 may bD i (LirroBD storekasper 'T'BE BUDGET may bD obtained from A U J P Clifford storokaanar lusts TIIB VJSW ZEALAND BRADSHAW and ARC GUIDE A COUPLETS an J Reliable Gnide to Now Zealand containing aa Alpha-batiool arrsnsLuiuul ot oil places ot im-portanc- in tho i olnniea Tiaio rablreant bans ot MX Rrilways Steamers ann Coaches (North ami Kunth Iolan-U Six Maps fto Published Monthly Price On Pmny Annual Subscription Prico 1 posted 1 fid For advertisements apply to Arthur Clvave aho La Annk-land Bold at all Bookseller nd Railway Bookstalls ia ni colony ol HEALTH TEA is recommended by the medical faculty for peopb with v IV How is i r that Clarke's Blood Mixture he obtained anch gnat popularity" is a question which haa perplexed man The answer is that it is unquestionably the finest Blood Purifier that science and medical Jrill havo brought to light Thousands of wonderful cares havo been effected by it For Scrofula Scurvy Eczema Rkm and Blood Diseases Bad Legs Sores H Pimples of all kinds its effects are marvellous Sold everywhere at 2a (Id per bottle Beware of worthless and Milihtitntes 2 CHOKERS 1 The Correct Tkm a 0 Lasl" ix tha bast Dark Tobacco erei mported Joux Aviby Now Plymouth ENGRAVING of all dokcriptiona exi ntod fay McKee ft Gamble S3 Pro Agency Wellington Advertising Biock Brass Dooi Piato-s Stencil Plates Copp Plato and all other -do urnv 1 Semi !m SOOTHING POWDER BELIEVE FEVERISH HEAT' PREVERT FITS C0NVUL8I0N8 ET6 tSSSSSgS&jSiZizgzggg- n word -OHM TEvnA Ofimnilat WMmrth Bumy WttgwS tt nw ni UmwdiiSl MuktkAkS Bold by Kompthorue Proanor ft Co "MAKING BOrH ENDS MEET" fi rather a difficut task in life with ininy bat the expanse of good oaoking hi rod need to e minimum by using tbo SUN BAKING POWDER purer end cheaper than moat othew QWe it e triai, Get access to this page with a Free Trial, Millions of additional pages added every month. The Daily News building on the corner next to the old Herald building on Currie St, New Plymouth. 1878-1953. "In my time the editorial departments were independent and you tried to beat them to stories. The new home of the Taranaki Daily News in the Worley Parsons building on the corner of Gill St and Liardet St in central New Plymouth. A collection of research files, newspaper supplements and ephemera collected by staff at The Taranaki Herald newspaper offices. 1837-1897 (Queen Victoria). Papers Past contains more than seven million pages of digitised New Zealand newspapers, periodicals, letters and diaries, and parliamentary papers. Letter. From H.A. Five years later, the Taranaki News began, changing its name to the Taranaki Daily News in 1885. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government has declared Taksim off-limits to demonstrations, though small groups were allowed to enter Taksim to lay wreaths at a monument there. But that all changed once computers came in. People still like getting their papers. Paritutu had a weekend to remember when it claimed seven of the 12 Taranaki titles that were concluded at the club on Saturday and Sunday. A person died while tramping on Mount Taranaki on Sunday. But nearly 30 years later those computers are old and obsolete. Kevin Nielsen was general manager at the time. Property WJ SPURGE (Opposite the CriterionjHotel) NEW PLYMOUTH I HAVE for sale the following Cheap I'roperties : 1 880 crea rich had 820 in beat mixed Epglish grasaee fenced 6 miles from Midhirst Price 4 5s per acre FreeholJ A bargain 1 100 norm good level Ind 40 in grass balance in bush 1 mile from factory Good road I'rice 3 5a per acre 158 acres all in grass U6od land Well fenced ckne to a factory Price 5 per acre 1 108 acres level bosh farm 80 aersa in grass Fenced 3 teemed cottage closo to factory Price 3 17a 6 per I R9 acres good land all in grass on main road Fenced 0 roomed house Price 6 per sore or iei( learn to a responsible tenant at 150 per annum 1 208 acres all in gran on main road 5 miles from township Cion to a factory Will tease foe IS man at 37 10a per annum Gooiwii 250 1 105 acres bandy farm well improved excellent 6 roomed house cow shed stock yard hay sited and other buildings On good rood 8 miles from New Plymouth Price 7 per sere Cheap To (Lean : 340 acres all in good grass except 20 in bush 5 roomed house orciiaid 6 fmldocks well fenced Near township Rent 1130 por annum claim 5 lCri per i Purchasing claim per aero 210 serer all gnu lit-le shelter uuali 4 f ad docks well fenced Excellent 5-roomcd bouse all brick chimneys good out-buildings Carry 80 cows Near factory Price 6 10s pr sore Fer Sale : A 6 roomed house close te station with 3 Motions of lend Film 400 5-raoined houso and full section in Devon-street Wi st Price 160 8 Town fractions adjoining beautiful position clos- to cmiro of New My-month for 120 A bargain 3 others t 1 joining lovely site for a house fine view of so ami mountain Price 150 Cheapest in New Plymouth Several good Hotels Some good Bush Laud cheap Agent for tho NORTH QU ENGLAND FIBE INtiU It AKCE Co Low Premiums Quick tJetthmonls b IT NO more nervousneas for the one who smokes John H Maolin ft Sons' heautifiil CORREOl THING AT LA8T TOBACCO Jon ATEbY New Plymouth Wholesale Agant It saves the merchant's busineu front a going to the bad By a-raking in tho pstronago the 'publio can t refuse" This con well be-said of Sharlands" Baking 'Powder A the proof of the pudding is in lho eating so the nroof of tlio Baking Powder in the nsiug liTepantionwliioh challongos comparison by actual teat and always stands the A trial most favorably w BHABLAN3FS Nos" Brand Uaklqs fonder XLIII H COLLIER CO- PIANOFORTE IMPORTERS AND TUNIS 11 R Wanganui & New Plymouth BEG to aonounce that they have REMOVED to premises situated in the ALEXANDRA HALL lately oosupkd by Mr Miltoh Odaio TAcy teas atsolpmeh isrd fiom Mr CBAio An enti'e htoh ana bustne-s connection ynt'al y Customers may rely nn lining their comaianda attended to piouitly With our stnff of I c tjun el umbs oaatouiois may lest o-Micd on any work entrusted to our care bein-eflidontly oxfcoutwl gj-pianos and Organa tuned singly or by the year in Town or Gountiy High Class Pianos by J ft J h 0PKIH8ON Londrn Roe us ft Kor London Makers to tho Cssr of Rusal i Kxauss Coblontr Mnkor to tho Emperor of Girmsny Pianos from I Oigsnsfrom I Ua'nnniuins 32 10s 18 gain from lignin Iostrumcnts sold on tho lime Pay-ment system from 6s per week H CollFer & Co NEW PLYMOUTH and WANGANUI 17E RECOMMEND to the good taste V 0f tbs publio a trial of ABTHUB NATHAN'S RELIABLE N TEAS And for perfection in stbexotu and thaqbahoe it will be hard to approaob anything like ARTHUR NATHANS CEYLON TEA which is packed in air tight lead packets so as to preserve the full aroma of the lest This beautiful Taa oan be obtained of all Grocers and Storekeeper at 2a por pound ARTHUB NATHANS 11 Reliable Teas aresold everywhere BLENDED TEA OB CEYLON TEA OB INDIAN TEAS are nil sold at 2s per pound A SUPERIOR QUALITY of each description is put up in similar manner told at 2a6f per pound When yon want Tea be sure yon ask for and get ARTHUR NAT HAITI'S' RELIABLE" TEAS Nose other'will give such satisfaction Edward L Nathan NEW PLYAICUTH WHOLESALE AGENT m TRUE TEST OF QUALTT57' N OrWITIlSTANDIVG the increased competition m Ilea The sale of Lattey Livermore &Cos Pure Indian Teas lsjstill increasing W Walton BOLE AGENT FOE NEW PLYMOUTH ASK your grocer for HEALTH TEA sod when once yon try it yon will be satisfied with no other wholesale Agents BURGFB FRASKIi ft Co OmXJ&iilOft lAYKKY AND BAIT BTABLfiri M JO'TJS BI1U& ft Jolify to tho public (tenoral!)