Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. No additional testing has been offered after 3 chemicals and one failed implantation on PGS normal embryos - he just tries to push me onto surrogacy each time saying sometimes thats the only option. Im hoping to do another transfer in January. 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. I know how devastating loss can be but theres always, always hope. For example, say a 39-year old woman has 3 embryos after her IVF cycle. I had the biopsy done twice; one to test (which I was positive for) and one to ensure it was no longer present after a round of strong antibiotics. Trying to be strong and not make the holidays about my loss for the sake of my family, not sharing the news either until after. My first FET was a day 6 5AA euploid embryo. We had 4 blasts tested in our first IVF cycle and 2 were abnormal / 1 mosaic / and then 1 "normal". Well also look at the chances of getting a euploid based on age, the impact of embryo grade and the day it was frozen (Day 5, 6 or 7), and how rebiopsies or thaw and biopsies fare for success rates. Jun 13, 2021 2:33 PM It is looking like we will have a second consecutive blighted ovum with a PGS normal embryo. MENTS THROUGHOUT MENTS I had biopsies after a polyp removal which showed residual B cells (even after 3 rounds of antibiotics), my RE didn't think much of it. He also answers questions in his private Facebook group. Gearing up for FET We did do some things differently, however my RE did these things more to appease me because he knew how frustrated I was than because he thought they were medically necessary. I plan on asking my RE for a Recurrent loss panel to be done and autoimmune testing (NK cells etc)and a different protocol. I would like to use the delestrogen shots next time instead of the patches and pills which seem to do nothing for me. Existing data show that the live birth rate is between 60-80% when a single frozen embryo is transferred in a second cycle. I know in our case our embryos had epigenetic issues which meant that our baby that we miscarried probably had structural issues. Second, PGS speeds up the time to pregnancy. However we now understand that the chromosomes are only part of the issue. Low mosaics had a miscarriage rate of 11.0%, None of these were statistically significant from the other (, Euploid embryos had an 8.6% miscarriage rate, All of the mosaics had a 20.4% miscarriage rate, <50% mosaic segmental embryos had a 13.6% chance of miscarriage, >50% mosaic segmental embryos had a 20.3% chance of miscarriage, <50% two whole chromosome mosaics had a 11.9% chance of miscarriage, <50% complex (>2 whole chromosomes) mosaics had a 26.7% chance of miscarriage, >50% two whole chromosome mosaics had a 39.9% chance of miscarriage, >50% complex (>2 whole chromosomes) mosaics had a 44.3% chance of miscarriage. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. PGT-A can also identify the gender of an embryo. I"ve not had a chance to actually talk with my RE yet, hopefully I will tomorrow after I go back for monitoring. But after this chemical pregnancy from our PGS embryo, I have a gut feeling there is something else at play and am pushing my doctor for additional testing before another transfer since we only have 3 embryos left after 2 IVF cycles. It was a chemical pregnancy. I didnt realize you could transfer your embryos to another clinic. I don't know how many more cycles I can do as my emotional reserve is running low. Women above 35 seem to benefit the most with PGS . And I can't say thats the sole reason this one stuck, but it is the one thing we did differently, and here I am. Create an account or log in to participate. Euploid embryos are believed to have higher success rates and a reduced chance of miscarriage. So, all is well! I had a chemical pregnancy last November after a fresh transfer. Good luck and wishing baby dust your way soon! At this point I am waiting to start my 5th miscarriage. Embryos with the right number of chromosomes are called euploid and may have a higher chance of making a pregnancy, although the evidence for this is controversial. My first FET with my only normal embryo was successful but ended at 7.5 weeks with a MMC The devastation was unreal. With the retrieval statistics, we can include all cycles (like the ones that ended with no blasts to transfer or only abnormal embryos that werent transferred) and that lowers the success rates quite a bit. I just found out today that I've only got 2 larger follicles and 3 smaller ones that are growing but are quite behind the 2 larger ones. And demand that my lining be over 8 before I allow another transfer to occur? Wishing you the best of luck and baby dust. Your experience gives me hope so thank you for sharing , - Estradiol patches and to apply 4 of them and change them every 2 days, - progesterone 200mg suppository morning and evening. I just looked briefly online and saw mixed reviews about embryos being damaged when shipped. thank you for sharing your success story! At this point I am wondering the following: Zhao et al. A chemical pregnancy is a very early miscarriage that happens within the first five weeks of pregnancy. Both Chemical pregnancies my lining was under 7. Tiegs (2020) in their multicenter prospective study transferred 414 blastocysts that were only tested using PGT-A after the pregnancy outcome. Reminder: I have an integrated glossary in the text (terms are underlined with a dotted black line, and when you tap on it a window will pop up with the definition). Consult with your doctor before making any treatment changes. An embryo with more or fewer than 23 chromosome pairs may be at increased risk of miscarriage or certain genetic disorders. Very frustrating to have an inconclusive. I am remaining hopeful, when we sent our embryos for testing, they only thought that one would come back normal. If you did PGS after multiple miscarriages and failed attempts how many did you transfer? The psychologist who ran the group, who also happened to be an RE at my fertility clinic, explained that sometimes you have a seemingly perfect embryo, perfect uterine lining, and the FET just fails. Obviously, when we look at transfer rates with PGS tested embryos, we are not including all the women who didnt have anything to transfer. Some of the reasons quoted weren't even about the patient: it could have been damaged during the biopsy or thaw process in the lab, the transfer process could have been off, there's a margin of error with the testing itself, pgs doesn't tell us everything about an embryo, etc. 2014). Im so confused as my RE says that morphology doesnt matter if theyre euploid. Im still taking it! Consult with your doctor before making any treatment changes. Last January we found out we were pregnant but had a miscarriage at 7 weeks. So maybe youve had a cycle and your embryos are frozen, and now you want them biopsied. Does this harm the embryo or reduce its potential for success? Women who have three chromosomally-normal embryos as a result of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) have a 94.9% chance of achieving pregnancy, research conducted by Reproductive Medicine Associates (RMA) and presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) shows. As that was the only PGS normal embryo we had, I ended up having to do another egg retrieval. I know how hard this all is. After a chemical with 2 PGS normals and two miscarriages around 8 weeks (spontaneous pregnancies) and another failed transfer, I found out I had an infection in my lining that can only be detected by a biopsy. Mosaic embryos can be either low- or high . We have not done a hysteroscopy but will ask my dr if we can do one to check and at least rule that out. And congratulations on your pregnancy!! I refused to go into another FET without doing some test or adjusting 1 variable, otherwise it was just repeating the same mistakes in my mind. So weve been ttc for almost 2 years. I was more relaxed overall at the second transfer, and maybe that helped. Will be put on lovenox this round as well. One thing Ive definitely learned from all of this is to trust my gut instinct. The usefulness comes when someone who is starting IVF and considering PGS testing. Took 2 years of "fighting" but looking back all the money, pain. PGT-A is able to evaluate the % of cells that are abnormal in a biopsy sample and if theres a mix of euploid and aneuploid cells then the embryo is a mosaic. The results come back as euploid (meaning theres 46 chromosomes), aneuploid (meaning theres a number of chromosomes besides 46) or mosaic (meaning theres a mix of euploid and aneuploid cells). I hope the ERA works too. Feeling more confused than ever. (2021) compared miscarriage rates across 7 studies and found an overall reduction in PGT-A tested embryos that was significant (10.1% for PGT-A vs 19.6% for untested, risk ratio 0.45, 95% CI [0.25 0.80]). Now I wonder if that could have been the culprit. For this group theyll have a better idea of what to expect. I'm doing the full "recurrent pregnancy loss" blood workup and karyotype genetic testing on my husband and me before we try again. Thanks for commenting! Tiegs (2020) in their multicenter prospective study transferred 414 blastocysts that were only tested using PGT-A after the pregnancy outcome.So no one knew what was being transferred. So in your case it might be different since yours are chemical pregnancies but still worth asking I think :) Also someone above mentioned the endometrial biopsy which would also probably be a good idea. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. My first FET was a day 6 5AA euploid embryo. Thanks so much in advance for any feedback. Then she went into all of the horrible statistics with twin pregnancy. All the comments on here seem pretty helpful already. Sounds like a beautiful a rainbow miracle! For more up-to-date information on this topic check out my other posts that are tagged withPGS (PGT-A) success rates. This is all so hard and stressful. In the past PGS was seen as the holy grail - if the chromosomes are normal we should have implantation and a normal pregnancy. Does PGT-A reduce the chances of miscarriage? This can be done! Overall, I really wish clinics and REs were more straightforward about odds of success esp with pgs since I think they can be a little misleading. To perform the biopsy, an embryologist removes 2-10 cells from the precursor placenta cells of the blastocyst embryo, called the trophectoderm. I also know that no one can make this decision for me. We are absolutely crushed. Im going to talk to my dr about getting this test done. Ive done 4 transfers now with PGS tested embryos - the first failed and the last 3 resulted in chemical pregnancies. Reminder: I have an integrated glossary in the text (terms are underlined with a dotted black line, and when you tap on it a window will pop up with the definition). Note that this paper is still preprint as of Nov 2021. Your experience is so inspiring, thank you for sharing . thank you for sharing! Terms are highlighted every 3rd time to avoid repetition. I know this is an incredibly hard time and it's a tough decision- best of luck to you- don't give up hope. I honestly wish I had but thats all hindsight now knowing what I knew. With a PGS tested embryo this time. After my negative, we did ERA and had a hysteroscopy to correct a small septum. At the time, I was at rock bottom and going to an online support group. Obviously this is not an ideal situation but sometimes this happens. Hi everyone. Trying naturally, assisted, etc. (2018)found a slight reduction inlive birth ratecompared to single biopsied embryos (50% vs 58%), but this was notstatistically significant. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. (2017)found that Day 5 euploids had a higherongoing pregnancyrate vs Day 6 euploids (51.9% vs 32.7%). A pregnancy that doesn't even make it to the 6 week scan where they can usually see the fetus on an ultrasound. wow, Im so glad you were able to get a second opinion. Did your doctor have your SO go through the rounds of antibiotics as well? Looking for anyone who has had recurrent chemical pregnancies and then found success. I know Im shocked this was never brought up by my doctor, after everything. Success is still very possible, IVF treatments are often a trial and error situation as my doctor put it once. I am terrified he wont implant. That makes me feel better about transferring to another clinic, which Im thinking might be the best bet at this point! Dr is responsible for allowing . How about a mosaic? I would Love and Need your opinions on this. Create an account or log in to participate. If it's any consolation, we also did acupuncture with the failed FET, but not the one that worked.